We have had many members of our community reach out to us in Telegram and via email, asking why their transaction is not being shown in their dashboard (or not even showing on Etherscan).
In recent weeks, a new exchange called FCoin has been sending random airdrops to their users with a Gwei of 250. This resulted in an enormous spike of fees for transactions and will delay your contribution significantly (up to several hours or a day) if you use less than 50 Gwei.
This is still ongoing without an end in sight, so we are recommending a minimum Gwei of 50 with a Gas Limit of 120,000. Doing so should result in your contribution being confirmed within 5 to 10 minutes.
You can read more about this here:
This is the Actual Reason Behind Ethereum Gas Price Spike to 100 Gwei
In the meantime, join our Telegram community for all things related to
— GAMB Team